Mercatores Lucis

Scientia sine arte nihil est;
ars sine scientia nihil est.
Jean Vignot (1392)
Die Religionen zerstreuen sich wie Nebel,
die Zarenreiche zerstören sich von selbst, aber
die Arbeiten des Gelehrten bleiben für alle Zeiten.
Das Streben nach Wissen ist die Pflicht eines jeden !
Ulugh Beg (1394-1449), SWR 20230306

Bensalem, Nova Atlantis

„Quantum ad functiones et munera sociorum nostrorum, duodecim habemus qui in regiones exteras navigant sub aliarum nationum nomine - nostram enim terram non revelamus - qui libros, materias et exemplaria experimentorum ad nos perferunt. Hos mercatores lucis vocamus.

„For the several employments and offices of our fellows; we have twelve that sail into foreign countries, under the names of other nations, (for our own we conceal); who bring us the books, and abstracts, and patterns of experiments of all other parts. These we call Merchants of Light.

„Für die verschiedenen Beschäftigungen und Ämter unserer Kollegen haben wir zwölf, die unter den Namen anderer Nationen (für unsere eigenen verbergen wir) ins Ausland segeln, die uns die Bücher und Abstracts sowie Versuchsmuster aller anderen Teile bringen. Diese nennen wir Lichthändler.

  Francis Bacon, 1. Viscount St. Albans, 1. Baron Verulam (* 22. Januar 1561 in London; † 9. April 1626 in Highgate bei London), war ein englischer Philosoph, Jurist und Staatsmann, der als Wegbereiter des Empirismus gilt. (
  Nova Atlantis bzw. New Atlantis, deutsch Neu-Atlantis, ist der Titel eines fragmentarischen utopischen Werkes von Francis Bacon. Es erschien 1627 – ein Jahr nach dem Tod des Verfassers – in neulateinischer Sprache. (

From Athens to Wittenberg ...

„History has also taught us that the personal motivations of the patrons of the sciences, as well as the egotism and vanity of the scientists themselves, were central in fuelling the scientific revolution of the 17th century.“

„We are reminded by the previous scientific revolution that the presence of technology and appeal to scientific virtue are not all that is required to enact change. We must continue to go beyond ideals and technology to strengthen our understanding of the human motivations involved in scientific practice. This may well involve an uncomfortable, but necessary, reflection upon our own weaknesses, vanity and egoism… as well as exploring and embracing the role of the ambitions of those who seek to benefit from the sciences.“

Richard Brown, University of Northumbria
... looks to lessons from the history of open science in order to move beyond ideals and technology. 22 April 2021 (

Like it or not ...

„That is why you are the ideal candidates to be modern Merchants of Light.“

„Like it or not, we are the scientists; we are the modern Merchants of Light.“

Modern Merchants of Light
Jay Hosler, Associate Professor of Biology at Juniata College
Plenary Address for the Landmark Research Symposium, July 22, 2010 (