Mercatores Lucis

Scientia sine arte nihil est;
ars sine scientia nihil est.
Jean Vignot (1392)
Die Religionen zerstreuen sich wie Nebel,
die Zarenreiche zerstören sich von selbst, aber
die Arbeiten des Gelehrten bleiben für alle Zeiten.
Das Streben nach Wissen ist die Pflicht eines jeden !
Ulugh Beg (1394-1449), SWR 20230306

Lillian Evelyn Gilbreth

* 1878/05/24 USA - Kalifornien - Oakland
† 1972/01/02 USA - Arizona - Phoenix

« A pioneer in many respects, Gilbreth advocated compensating for the omission of human aspects in scientific management. She generated innovative applications of psychology to work and generalized her ideas and methods to societal problems. She managed a consulting business from her home, an atypical work style for women, and in later years attributed her achievement to having supportive spouse and family (of 12 children).
During a commencement speech in 1900 (the first female speaker at Berkeley), Gilbreth articulated her early philosophy of life, which served as a foundation for her work throughout her entire career. She believed that all individuals have the right to happiness, and the goal of human life is the fulfillment and happiness of the person. »


Time Out for Happiness ...

« ... But if you have to be envied, it's better to be envied for what you are than what you own. »
in: Time Out for Happiness, Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr, 1970
(, > S. 214)

« The workers must understand that they add to the perfectness of the entire establishment. Scientific management is built on the recognition of the individual, with all the idiosyncrasies that distinguish a person. »